Bespoke Detox Coaching In Your Own Home
“Fasting itself can allow people to drop into a deep healing space, but when combined with wellbeing coaching, appropriate treatments, yoga, meditation & proper support, the possibilities of change & healing can be awesome” – Jem

Why Detox?
Having a proper detox can make massive differences to your health, your energy & your outlook on life.
It is easy for toxins to build up in your system from – poor dietary choices, pesticides in foods, chemicals & pollution in our environment, the normal processes of metabolism, stress, etc. It is important for our bodies to have a break from this daily build up of toxins & to deliberately, use processes & techniques that can help us reduce & release these toxins.
Symptoms of toxin overload can include: feeling tired, run down, lethargic, stressed, subject to Illness; or suffering from: digestive problems, unexplained rashes, bloating, headaches, poor concentration, frequent mood changes, depression, etc.
Going through a detox process can be an incredibly valuable way to take time out from your normal life & have a real break, wherein you can truly have time for yourself. It can also be an invaluable way to prepare your body & mind to begin living in a healthier & more balanced way as you go forwards.
“Having your own Personal Detox Coach makes the whole detox experience effortless.”
24 hour in-residence, tailor made, holistic detoxes for 3 or more days with your own expert guide.
These retreats are run for you in your home or a suitable setting. As your Personal Detox Coach I will stay with you for the duration of the cleanse & will monitor, guide, support & advise you each day. I have been running detox retreats since 2000 & in-house personal detox retreats since 2002, so I have a lot of experience with supporting people through fasts. I will also be able to use my skills as a multi-disciplinary alternative therapist. I use naturopathy, health & wellbeing coaching, bodywork, yoga, chi gung & meditation to support you through your detox process.
Detox on Many Levels
A properly held detox process will help you detox on many levels – not just the physical. A detox can help you to find greater balance on the emotional, mental & spiritual levels too. Every person is different & every detox is a potentially different experience from the previous one, so which levels you will be detoxing on can vary each time. However, you will be supported to achieve the most relevant healing & balancing in whichever level is right for you.
The Power of Direct Coaching During A Detox
Over the years, I have increasingly used the power of direct coaching with my clients to support them to adopt new healthier habits & make powerful, positive & changes that they can take forwards into their lives. These are often quite transformational & enable them to live much healthier, happier & fullfilled lives. The powerful transformational aspect of this coaching is due both to the myriad of coach trainings & tools that I work with but also the fact that my clients are in a detox state, which by it’s very nature supports the processes of letting go, change & beginning anew.
“Doing a detox in your own home, makes integrating what you learn into your normal life, so much easier.”
Reasons to have a Personal Detox Trainer at Home
- There is no need for you to travel anywhere.
- You will receive One to One support during the process.
- You will receive personally tailored supplements & advice.
- You will receive Health & Nutrition advice that is specific for you.
- You can receive coaching support that will enable you to live a healthier and more fulfilled life afterward.
- You will learn how to eat & live more healthily in your own home.
- You can learn how to make juices or simple healthy foods.
- It will be much easier to integrate new healthier living skills into your normal life.
- You can also Detox in any setting of your choice that you can arrange.
- You can be taught specific Breathing Exercises for better health & relaxation.
- The programs can include Yoga, Chi Gung & Meditation tuition.
- Privacy & confidentiality are assured.
“I specialized in the field of fasting & detoxification many years ago, when I discovered how profoundly & deeply people could heal, rebalance, change & grow, when on a fully held & supported detox retreat.”
Types of Cleansing Fasts
The Juice Fast (3+ days) – an effective, whole body cleansing fast. This consists of a minimum of 3 days of fresh fruit & vegetable juices to cleanse, revitalise & rejuvenate your body & soul.
The Herbal Detox Fast (6+ days) – a powerful, deeper detoxification program. This has a particular emphasis on cleansing, healing & strengthening the digestive system. It is a liquid only fast, assisted by the taking of specific cleansing herbs & use of enemas or colonic apparatus. Such retreats can generally be done up to 4x per year, depending on your health & need but normally just once or twice a year will be sufficient for most people. (There are only 4 of these retreats per year).
It is also possible to do other types of cleanse, specifically to help with Candida, Diabetes, food type addictions or just to learn to eat more healthily.
There are 3 types of different packages of retreat available.
Daily Rates & Details
The Home Detox
- (+ £400 per extra person per day)
- One on one support & guidance
- Supplements & colonic cleansing (if required)
- Freshly made organic juices & broths
- pH assessment with health & nutrition advice
- Parasite cleansing treatment
- Daily Detox Support treatment*
- Bath Hydrotherapy**
- Health & Wellbeing Coaching
- Daily Chi Gung exercise.
The Premium Detox
- (+ £500 per extra person per day)
- One on one support & guidance
- Supplements & colonic cleansing (if required)
- Freshly made organic juices & broths
- pH assessment with health & nutrition advice
- Parasite cleansing treatment
- Daily Detox Support treatment*
- Bath hydrotherapy**
- Transformation & Wellbeing Coaching
- Daily Pranayama (yogic breathing exercises)
- Daily Yoga or Chi Gung
- Meditation practice (optional)
- Morning Empowerment Ritual design (optional)
- Bodywork treatments***
- ‘Fridge feedback’ & shopping support ****(if required)
- Naturopathic/Nutritional Consultation (if required.)
Distance Detox
- Daily phone or skype support whilst you go through a detox at home on your own.
- If you don’t have the time/space/money to go on a retreat or have me stay with you for a live-in juice fast experience, then this could be an ideal alternative option if you want to know that you are safe & supported whilst fasting on your own at home.
- I can design & plan the fast for you if needed at the start & will then schedule a couple of daily 20-30 minute “check in calls” with you to monitor how you are doing & support you as you go through your process.
As these retreats are bespoke programs, the contents & schedules have great flexibility & can be organised on an individual basis according to personal requirements.
* Detox Support Treatments – Liver packs, colon massage.
** Bath Hydrotherapy – you will be encouraged to take hot water baths with various salts & oils, which facilitate the detox process if there is a bath where the retreat is being run.
*** Bodywork treatments – For detox retreats in the UK, where Jem has the appropriate equipment and facilities, he is able to offer the following treatments if required and appropriate: detox aromatherapy massage, salt detox massage, Structural Rebalancing (Osteomyology), sports massage, holistic massage, Thai massage, Thai foot massage, Indian head massage & Reiki.
Included in the UK Premium package are 6 x treatments per 7 day retreat or 3 x treatments for a 4 day retreat.
**** “Fridge feedback” – Half of the trick to eating more healthily, is having healthy food in your kitchen to choose & make things from. If you want support in having & choosing the right foods, I can go through your fridge & your food cupboards with you, to make suggestions & give advice about which foods would or would not be good for you to have.
If you have a good health food store nearby, I could even go to it with you, to help you learn about & buy foods & condiments etc, so that you are all set to go forwards with a healthier & happier lifestyle after your retreat.

Add on options:
Any extra bodywork treatments that are booked cost £90 for 1hr & £130 for 1½ hrs
A Naturopathic consultation costs £160 & must bo booked in advance.
Depending upon your health or condition, it may be helpful to take certain tests to assess what might be the cause of a health imbalance. In such cases, I will organise this & you will need to pay for the costs of these. These may be necessary to do before you begin your actual detox program.
Pre Detox Assessment Meetings
If you wish to speak beforehand by Skype to discuss your health & the program options, the charge for pre-detox Skype meetings is £90 for an hour but is refunded from the retreat costs if a retreat is participated in afterwards.
All prices are for retreats held in the UK & are exclusive of all reasonable expenses e.g. travel & accommodation, which must be added on.
For retreats held outside of the UK my travel & accomodation expenses will also need to be covered. These costs will be accounted for & included when your booking is made.
Maximum number of persons per retreat is 3, except when specifically arranged otherwise.
Minimum retreat length is 3 days.
Cancellation Policy
Should you have to cancel your retreat, refund policy is as follows:
If I am notified less than 3 weeks before the retreat begins, the full amount is due & there is no refund.
If I am notified between 3 & 8 weeks before the retreat begins, you will be refunded 50% of the total cost (+ pre booked flights/travel expenses, where relevant).
If I am notified more than 8 weeks before the retreat begins, you will be refunded 95% of the total cost (+ pre booked flights/travel expenses, where relevant).
In some cases, it will be possible to transfer your booking to another date, but we will need 2 months notification & there will be an admin charge of £50.